Sunday, January 15, 2006

Text: Global communication ...

The text for the test on Friday is a blog entry from Global PR management. The title is "Global Communication is Key to Overcoming BrandUSA Rejection".

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Some important moments in this last week

1. I feel very proud when I see students giving a good presentation (and when they write a good TWA) especially students who started the semester thinking they would never have the confidence or the language to be able to do it.

Although they do all the hard work I like to think I have something to do with it!

2. I also saw a really superb presentation by Eduardo. Two things that marked his presentation were:
a) He was speaking from his heart and not just from the words on a paper, written by someone else. He gave us an example of an entrepreneur he knows from his experience and he linked that experience with what has been written about entrepreneurs. This technique of combining examples and personal stories brings your presentation alive.
b) He did a lot of preparation and he practised and practised and practised.

I am going to video Eduardo doing his presentation again and will use it for future turmas when we are doing the unit on entrepreneurs.

3. I had an important e-mail dialogue with one student who felt that I didn't appreciate her work. Not only do I admire and respect her work but I also like the fact that she wrote to me.

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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Some good oral presentations

I felt very proud to see some of the oral presentations on Friday. I didn't see anyone who couldn't give a presentation in front of a professional audience in English. I really respect those students who are not confident to speak but who who persist during the semester, who ask for help in the preparation of their presentation, and who practice so much that they are able to give a perfectly understandable, enthusiastic and informed presentation.

In fact I have noticed that students who are less confident in the language often do better than those who are very confident. That must be because they pay attention to all the details - the structure, the content and the interaction with audience. People who start by thinking they know how to speak well in English sometimes forget that speaking language without making mistakes is NOT the same as giving a good presentation. I should know! How many terrible presentations I have seen given by people whose first language is English!!

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